TNK-BP Held Sessions of Conflict Resolution Commissions


TNK-BP Held Sessions of Conflict Resolution Commissions

The conflict resolution commissions, created for settling disputes and moot points, handle complaints and grievances from contractors and suppliers of TNK-BP related to pre-qualification, selection, and disqualification of contractors.
The conflict resolution commissions started their work in December 2010. So far, they have received 15 complaints. Three of them are being considered and assessed, and other issues have already been settled in favor of either contractors and suppliers or the Company. The conflict resolution commissions are guided by the Regulation on Regional Councils and Conflict Resolution Commissions and the current contracting procedures of the Company.
Contractors and supplier of the West-Siberian and Siberian regions are the most active participants of interaction with the conflict resolution commissions. First appeals and complaints are now coming to the central conflict resolution commission in Moscow.
“We are glad to see the growing activity and interest of contractors from the zones of competence of our conflict resolution commissions,” said Andrey Kozlov, Vice President of TNK-BP for regional policy. “Our dialog with suppliers and contractors and the results of work of all regional conflict resolution commissions in Q1 2011 will help us formulate a relevant and substantial agenda for the first meetings of regional councils for interaction with suppliers and contractors that will he held in Moscow and the regions.”
Regional conflict resolution commissions work in the key regions of activity of TNK-BP and meet at least once a month or when needed.


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